Saturday, March 08, 2025


It was the next Improv That Block Squad workshop with Sherri Lynn Wood.  This month's block explores the Spider Web block.

We discovered two different ways to make the blocks. 

I worked on making my strip sets all day.

This is how many I have so far.

I choose to make my 'webs' in black in white for a couple of reasons.  One, the Black/White/Grey Scrap bucket is overflowing.  And two, I also remembered a memory from elementary school.  The teacher took us out behind the school in the morning, where the trees surrounded the playfield.  We took black construction paper and laid the wet spider webs on it then sprinkled flour or some kind of white powder onto them to capture a permanent record of our webs.  

Spiders are creepy, but I love the webs.


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