Tuesday, October 06, 2015


I recently acquired some old tubes of oil paint that someone was tossing out.  They were still soft, so I hoped they'd still be viable.
I've never painted with oils.  I've always wondered about it, but didn't see the point in investing a lot of money into purchasing a whole new medium.  Geez, I've got enough art supplies!

But these were free.  I thought I'd just check it out.

So, I saw this Cezanne on the front of the Arts section of the Seattle Times.  There's an article inside about the opening of the "Intimate Impressionism" exhibit at Seattle Art Museum, in which it will be on display.  I love Cezanne's still lifes.

I need to do a little touch up tomorrow.


  1. I know what you mean about more art supplies, Terry, but I think you worked with oils just fine. :) So what do you think? Are you adding oils to your pursuits?

    1. I really enjoyed working with them - definitely different than acrylics. The odor was a slight issue, but I could really get into them! I'm not going to run out and buy anything just yet. The tubes I have are big tubes! I should probably take a class to learn how to properly use them before I develop bad habits.
