Thursday, February 23, 2017


The DH needed to go to Port Townsend today to get some lumber, so we took the dogs and off we went.
Going to Port Townsend entails a ferry ride each way and several hours driving.

JAX sitting in DH's lap while we're on the ferry to Southworth

Jelly looking out of the front of the ferry.  

We pulled into Edensaw in Port Townsend, used the facilities and then I left him to his sorting and the dogs and I went to Fort Worden for our walk.

I had snowed the night before, but there was very little evidence left of it, and the weather was mild - clear and calm, if a little cold.  It was very quiet and restful up in the woods there.

At Fort Worden, some of the bunkers.

Walking by the bunkers.

On a trail, going to the bluff,

Lots of interesting things to smell. 
The view from the bluff,

The view from the bluff.  You can see the lighthouse down below.
The lighthouse.

More bunkers.

Lots of bunkers.

Lots and lots of bunkers.

After our walk, we went and picked up the DH and went to the local food co-op for a nice lunch.  The dogs waited in the car.  They were overly excited to see us when we returned.  The get the windows all slobbered up and the whole inside steamy.

They were happy, tired pups and slept most of the way home.

We made home just in time for me to get to my 2:00pm Tai Chi class.

It was a good day for an adventure.

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