Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MOE - Oct. 9, 1994 to Sept. 10, 2008

My constant companion and walking partner, my joy, my responsibility, my Moe passed quickly today. Having lived with diabetes for two years now, she was ready to move on.

I miss her terribly, my arms ache from wanting to hold her one last time.

This was after a hike up Mount Si (2000), while Darrell and I were changing out of our boots, Moe wandered into nearby bushes, only to come out so pleased with herself because she had found some sh*t to roll in...

This was taken last week, on our last dog-biking outing. We made a big loop around West Seattle, stopping to find geo-caches along the way. It was a gorgeous day.
I miss her so much.


  1. Terry, I'm so sorry to hear about Moe. Kathy Brazeau told me about your website, so I was looking through and saw this post. The date just threw me for a jolt. We lost our Alice two days after you lost Moe ( The pain is awful. It's wonderful that you commemorated her in your self-portrait as tree.

  2. Becky, Thank you for your comments. So sorry to hear about your Alice. There's nothing I can say that you don't already know. Our little animal friends are so precious and with us too short of a time.
