Friday, March 10, 2023


 I'm working on my 'Small World' project.  I've decided to change to a version that is scrappy and less defined.  It is basically alternating  light and dark triangles.  So, for every 'pie' piece that is majority light I need to make one that is majority darks.  It's easiest to make two at a time, one of each.

I still need a name for this project.  Tara named her's "Small World".  This is her version of a light/dark version. But, mine will be scrappy

I don't want to call mine Small World.  But, maybe, name if after a small world.  I started thinking about moons in our system.  Then I recalled the book I read as a teen "Farmer In The Sky" by Robert Heinlein.  It was one of my favorites.  It's about a family that emigrates to a moon of Jupiter called Ganymede where they become farmers in an effort to terraform the small moon.  Here's the synopsis from Amazon:

The Earth is crowded and food is rationed, but a colony on Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter, offers an escape for teenager Bill Lermer and his family. Back on Earth, the move sounded like a grand adventure, but Bill soon realizes that life on the frontier is dangerous, and in an alien world with no safety nets, nature is cruelly unforgiving of even small mistakes.

So, I guess I'm naming this quilt Ganymede.

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