Thursday, September 05, 2024


 Darrell and I went to Puyallup to the Washington State Fair.  We haven't attended in years, so it was about time.  And, I had entered three quilts into the show and I had to go see them.


"Amity: Baroque" I stood behind a lady and listedned to her talk about what she liked about this quilt.  That was fun.  D and I voted for this one for People's Choice.  Good luck #93!

"Tractor Beam" .  My Voltron type quilt.

Then we went walking about for a few hours.  We had scones right away.  They are smaller and sweeter than I remember from when I was much younger.

We saw the baby piglets, only a few days old.

And we had to see the Draft Horses.

We also walked through the grange to see the Giant Pumpkins and the displays.  We hurried through the retail vendors building and were accosted by several of them.  And we perused the goats.

It was something different and great fun.  But, since it was going to be a very hot day and we left at noon.  

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