Friday, July 26, 2024


 I woke up not feeling well.  I think it's the over-fragranted room and bed I'm sleeping in.  Good grief.  I feel like I didn't get much sleep.  But, I got up and went into the school early.  I was there at 6:30am since I was planning on leaving early to beat the traffic.

I did get to finish the second block, which I made a block and a half because of the long strips.

My total finish is 2-1/2 blocks for the week.  A few of the folks will have theirs completely finished and sewn together.  Mine may take a bit longer. 

That's Leeanna's on the left. 

It was a great workshop.  I really enjoyed myself.  It's always a pleasure to be in a classroom with Irene Roderick.  She's full of great ideas and suggestions.  She makes the best recommendations without being pushy.  Thank you Irene!  See you next year.

I left at 11:45am and still got into a very long backup on I-5 after 175th NE.  Waze had me get off at 85th and head over to 99.  There was a slow down there too starting at the Aurora bridge, but it cleared out by the tunnel and it was smooth sailing after that.

It's always nice to come home.

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