Sunday, January 10, 2010


Here it is Sunday, supposed to be a day my husband and I go play, and I'm working on my print! But, I want to get it done, and the paper is damp, I've heard horror stories about mold from keeping the paper damp for too long.

This is the third color applied. I cut down the block I was using yesterday. So, you could call it a reduction cut. This color is a medium value blue-violet for the background.

Putting a different value on really helps the image to start to come together.

After all the papers were inked with the new color, then I cut away more of the block for the final color. I've got myself kind of messed up, so I'll be going back to the first plate (the one I used for the yellow) and printing over the letters again because I don't think they show up well enough. This is not the block I used to print the letters in the first place. But, since I cut away the lettered area on the 'blue' block I have to go back to the 'yellow' block where they haven't been cut away. I'm really worried about registration for that because you can't miss at all to get the letters printed over the same area again. So, I will try it on a few and if it doesn't seem to be lining up I will give up and live with the way they look now. How did I get myself into this pickle?!

I got an Ott-light with a magnifying lens built in several years ago. I don't think I could carve without it now. It really makes it easier. I highly recommend them. I got mine at Office Depot on sale, but I've seen them online, too.

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