Friday, April 08, 2022


 Have I mentioned that I wasn't happy with the limitations of the 9-foot Bernina longarm?  I've been regretting getting such a small machine.  I thought it would be able to handle just about the same width as my old 10-foot, but no, I was really wrong.  The Bernina 9-foot will only take, officially a 72" wide quilt.  I did manage to get that 77-1/2" on there though.  But it was a stretch. 

So, I enquired about changing the small frame in for a 12-foot.  I was told it was possible, but it would cost me!

But, what the hell is money for, if not to make one happy?

Today was the day they swapped it out.

The 9-foot - Before

The 12-foot - After

It fits!  There's less room going around it, but it was room that was basically unused before.  One of the benefits, however, is all that space underneath.  Now, all of the boxes I had stored behind the old one, can be stored under this one - out of sight and out of the way of the cabinets behind.

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