Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 I'm still working on quilting the Snake quilt.  I ran into a few problems so shut it down a little earlier than I wanted.  Maybe things will be better tomorrow.

But, it's Tuesday, so it was Cheryl Arkison's Quilters Playcation 2024.  I thought, no problem, I can do this.  But, I have to change her instructions for a square block into some for a rectangular block like I'm making.  I pride myself on know quilt math.  But, I really blew it today.  I cut the parts too small and was so mad at myself.  I steamed for a while and then decided to do something to use those parts anyway.

I had to add spacers in the middle.  It turned out okay - but, it wasn't what I started out to make. So, I still a bit disappointed with myself.

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