Wednesday, August 07, 2024


 Well, I was wrong about the block I made yesterday being number 31.  This week's block is the real 31.  Cheryl Arkison came on Instagram today to make up for missing yesterday.  She said she completely forgot!  

This week's is a leaf block made from mostly scraps.

I worked on the Dalek, too.  I'm not as enthused as I have been.  I pieced a small bit this morning, got frustrated and chucked it and started over.  That feels like I wasted half the morning.  But, I believe the second attempt is much better.  So, I guess that's something.  Once I get this half of the block done.  I will be through with the tricky bits.  Mostly.

The overlay becomes quite useful to make sure everything is where it should be.
This makes it easier to line up with the surrounding blocks.

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