Wednesday, June 10, 2020


I was determined to get some work done on my 'Flowers' project from Joe's class.

I got to here by lunch time.  I'm happier, although it's not completely flat...but it will quilt out.

After lunch I went with Darrell to Home Depot.  They didn't have what he wanted so we headed down the hill to Cross Cut Lumber.  We encountered the West Seattle Traffic for the first time.  We went down Highland Park Way SW along with everyone else.  [The West Seattle Bridge has been closed down since March because it has cracks and is unsafe].  Highland Park Way and Roxbury are pretty much the only ways out of West Seattle.

When we eventually got back with a load of plywood for his new shop cabinets, I went upstairs to my studio.  The dragonfly that found it's way in yesterday was still there.  We had removed some screens from the windows and left them open all night.  He didn't leave.  I don't mind it if it just sits still, but I kind of freak out if it starts flying around bashing into things.  I just know it will end up in my hair.

Here's what I got done today.  I'm working on the 'background' now.  I have lots of low intensity colors and grays that I'll use.

I need to step up the pace if I want to get it done soon.

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